Diana is always filling every minute with a challenge. She is now our District Lead Librarian and Fossil Ridge High School Librarian. Plus, on top of that she is working on her PHD and successfully completed her principal certification. If that is not enough, she has received several grants and done several presentations.
As for me, I have been focusing and creating lesson that tie STEAM and literature together. I have also received several more grants to help me give student more hands-on experiences. I have made my picturebook area of the library more student friendly with front facing browsing bins. I have added a Book Vending Machine reward program.
Diana is starting a new adventure! She is challenging herself by changing schools, grade levels, starting on her PHD and being KISD's Library Lead.
As for me, I am enjoying growing where I am at. Diana & I are still presenting at variety of conferences. This school year, we are still focusing on reading initiatives & STEAM activities. I will be adding a before school STEAM Challenge once a week. We will fully roll out the STEAM Backpack circulation. In addition, we will be looking into continuing & add several new items to focus on creating a buzz about reading. Here is our Reading Initiative items: *New this school year Events: Dr. Seuss Week; Book Fairs; March Book Madness; Book Character Parade *Book Trailers: (play as class enter library for their lesson) Staff Emoji Poster: Elementary picture book/novel Summer Reading Book Bags *Bins in Everybody Section: Library *30 second teacher challenge: Book Talk Battle of the Books *Some hall lockers: Book Spines *Free Book Table: Library *Principal’s/Staff’s recommendation shelf: Library *Book Drawing: for a free book (Free Book Friday) Destiny book Reviews Incognito Readers Club Books and technology are both important in a Library. Finding the balance is always hard. The Library is a place of "AWE" & "WONDER"! We are always trying to create a space our students can explore, discover & find something to engage their mind.
Just a little of this and that...here is a follow up (reflection) on some of our different projects/programs. 1-Incognito Readers Club: "Shh! It's a secret club!" It is so easy to run. The Club started in October and teachers already had students in mind. They mentioned how it was so meaningful to a student they invited last year. 2-Tech Ninja Club: We are really liking the transformation! We now only are meeting once a month after-school but have added one before school meeting every week. The before school meeting spotlights a Tech Tip. 3-Design Thinking: We are doing the Food Truck Challenge with our 3rd graders. The 4th graders will be doing an authentic problem. They will be looking at the PBIS rewards and then recommend new rewards. We added a new one for 1st graders. They designed a monster character for a puppet author. 4-Google Expedition: We had a chance last year to be a part of the AR pioneer program. I purchased a set of 7 devices and accessories. I figure that 3 students can share a device and experience AR. 5-STEM BOXES TO GO: This program is on it's 3rd year. They are still are flying off the shelves. We are planning on changing and adding some more to challenges. 6-Social Media Intern Program: This program is small but is important. We train just a few students to tweet out using our official school twitter account. #kidstweet It is great seeing what the students want to share. 7-Girls Can Code: Wow! Girls come one day a week before school to Code. We spotlight a Code activity but the girls are given freedom to choose what coding they want to do. 8-Flexible Schedule: Truly from Monday-Thursday my library is a mix scheduled...but on Friday-I am flexible schedule. So far this year, Fridays have had Coding, Google Expeditions, BreakOut EDU, iCentre Reward, Pilgrim Lady presenter and Workshops on Chromebooks, Seesaw & Book Talk Choice Board.
two authors:
Diana Colby @DianaColby Mother of eight. Librarian, one busy momma. "Live as if you were to die tomorrow, Learn as if you will live forever." Gandhi Archives
January 2023